Successive Strokes at Global Democracy

Democracy is historically considered the most important governance system that provided an important place for human rights and political and social freedoms. Despite many of its imperfections, experts and regimes' reservations around it, as it is not the best governance system, it settles the least bad one so far and the most competent of providing accountability for officials and political participation. Indeed, it embodies an important barrier to authoritarian regimes that defend human rights and freedoms.

Democracy has been strengthened in the world throughout the past century and the beginning of the current century, to include many countries of the not free world. But in recent years, democracy has witnessed a real siege by the authoritarian regimes and has been under siege supported by global authoritarian regimes (in the forefront: Russia and China), next to traditional dictatorships spread in several regions. This scene has led to a setback in the progression of democracy in several countries: whether in terms of the democratic performance of many governments, the emergence of authoritarian or popular tendencies, and even the return to previous stages before democracy.

This trend takes a part of the responsibility for the failure of the Arab democratic wave, and it has pushed some countries in the region to a worse authoritarian statue before Arab Spring. This Authoritarian spectacle has been under dual support from Russia and the most authoritarian monarchies in the Arab world.

Although the Arab protest movements targeted authoritarian military republic regimes, those opposing the traditional authoritarian monarchies, with the explosion of Arab protest, all parties: republican military regimes, traditional monarchies, and Arab peoples, realized that the success of a state of protest would mean the transfer of experience to other Arab countries, within the theory of the domino effect.

Therefore, the efforts of the authoritarian regimes in the Arab world have concurred to opposing the nascent democracy (in what could be likened to the association of dictatorships). For that, democracy has just be besieged in Tunisia, which does not constitute a generalized model on its own. That has been ongoing in exchange for supporting a more authoritarian regime in Egypt, which is an important engine for change in the region, a continuation of Bashar al-Assad's dictatorship, the spread of military chaos in Yemen and Libya, as well as the ongoing chaos in Iraq and Lebanon were supported.

The stumbling of democracy in the Arab world will inevitably affect its global course. When one of the most politically closed regions of the world moves towards democracy, the global democracy trend will be strengthened, as well as the strengthening of authoritarianism in it will reinforce the opposite tide, supported by Russia and China. If we put these results in the context of international relations, we will see that these results are in service of the authoritarian camp, enhance its global presence, and raise its level of competitiveness with the United States and its democratic camp.

The Corona epidemic and severe government measures in many countries of the world, including restricting movement, imposing customary laws, and reaching political investments in favor of authoritarian regimes, all these events have contributed to strengthening the position of authoritarian states at the governmental level and at popular currents that found authoritarian regimes are better able to handle with a pandemic. It is a distorted belief, resulting from the lack of transparency of these regimes in announcing the epidemic level, its damages, and the mechanisms for handling it. It is not the authoritarians' success in confronting the epidemic as opposed to the democracies' failure.

Authoritarian regimes are faster when making decisions and managing state affairs, more able to respond to challenges, but less responsible for their decisions, and can not be held any responsibility for their failure, unlike democracies that take subsequent responsibility for their decisions.

The failure of democracy in many regions has many causes, but the new changes have been added to the traditional causes: poverty, corruption, and political and ideological conflicts, which push people to prefer authoritarianism or provide a power vacuum that allows authoritarian powers to fill it.

Here, I think that what is happening in the United States now, through the Proud Boys movement, poses a threat to the most ancient global democracies, as this movement represents an escalation of the populist stream with authoritarian tendencies (populism is in one form or another a coup against democracy from within). It is expected that this movement will interact, in the coming term, structurally -within- and relational -with its surroundings-, and will have an important impact on strengthening the camp of authoritarianism globally, if it could manage any achievement in the United States, regardless of the form of this achievement.

In the first place, it is the responsibility of the major democracies, in what may be called the solidarity of democracies, to prevent the rise of these populist currents -which are on the rise in Europe as well- on the one hand. And in strengthening the social movements driving towards global democratization, within an international conflict between two camps.

This means that the United States should take essential responsibility in disappointing the Arab democratization and strengthening its relations with Arab authoritarian and dictatorships, instead of taking an opposite approach, which the new American administration is supposed to work on inside the United States, and abroad.


ABD ALQADER NANAA (Ph.D. of Political Science)